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Welcome to the Free Radical Archive!
An archive for the games that nowadays live in misinformation, the Free Radical Archive strives to collect information on Free Radical Design's cancelled next-generation titles. Learn about the design of Battlefront III, the alternative universe of Battlefront IV, the crazy concepts for TimeSplitters 4 and much more! There is something for everyone here, whether that's a fan, a researcher or a developer.
This project began with the purpose of researching the cancelled Battlefront sequels. Many years later it is the main source for anyone researching Free Radical's final years. Everything has a source and no rumor is presented as fact. If you think there is a mistake somewhere or want to contribute send us a message on the Discord linked at the start of the page.
Did you know...
- …that Free Radical tried getting TimeSplitters onto the PSP but Sony wanted exclusive features?
- …that Simon Pegg would have had creative input on the horror sections of TimeSplitters 4?
- …that Crytek didn't want to release a TimeSplitters 2 remaster?
- …that the leaked “r70217” build from 2016 was discovered on a Rebellion XDK (Xbox Development Kit)?
- …that the line “Stick to the plan, Kenobi” was made as a nod to Battlefront IV, with the line itself done by Rob Yescombe?
- …that after the game was signed, Free Radical Design bought all of its employees a high quality lightsaber replica?
- …that for LucasArts an 'alpha build' meant a content complete and almost bug free game?
- …that the Dark Lightsaber in The Force Unleashed was based on Battlefront IV concept art?
- …that the Battlefront III logo can be found in the files of Elite Squadron's PSP version?
- …that the PSP version was initially going to have a campaign revolving around X1, the idea for which was scrapped early on in the development?
- …that Col Serra appears in the PSP version because Rebellion wanted to give the character another appearance in the Star Wars universe?
- …that the Free Radical Design logo was originally meant for the Mantel faction in HAZE?
- …that Crytek UK once had the name Crytek Nottingham?