Free Radical Archive

Development Summary

In 2007, LucasArts and Free Radical were discussing the creation of yearly installments of Battlefront games.[1][2] A sequel to Battlefront III, Battlefront IV, was signed in October. Originally, the plan was for the game to release in October 2009, one year after Battlefront III's release.[3] However, it is unknown what happened after Battlefront III was delayed and the game was cancelled in August 2008 as LucasArts believed they could not fund development on both titles at once.[4] Free Radical entered redundancy consultation after the cancellation as the troubled development of Battlefront III and the difficulties in finding a publisher for TimeSplitters 4 meant the studio was running out of funding. Despite that, the studio believed that Battlefront III could be finished and would recoup its losses.[5]

Game Details

Technical Information

Additional Information

Early customization icons (30/04/2008)

  • Increased Clip Size - Increased Blast Size - Increased Aim Steadiness
  • Increased Damage - Dual Wield - Health Boost
  • Repair - Increased Capture Radius - Increased Capture Speed
  • Revive - Force Resistant - ?

Very early concepts
